
Defend the integrity of Discovery Park for future generations.

It is not a choice of either the city or the countryside: both are essential, but today it is nature, beleaguered in the country, too scarce in the city which has become precious.

Our purpose is to defend the integrity of Discovery Park; to create and protect there an open space of quiet and tranquility, a sanctuary where the works of man are minimized, appearing to be affected primarily by the forces of nature, a place which emphasizes its natural environment, broad vistas and unspoiled shorelines; and to promote the development of the Park according to a Master Plan responsive to these goals. Read more about our history.

Help Restore Discovery Park

By retaining as much of its natural character as possible, balancing the maintenance and restoration of the area’s forested pre-development condition with existing uses of the park. Get involved with our many restoration projects!

Protect Puget Sound

Through maintaining the drainage system, and protecting acres of ponds, streams, and Puget Sound shoreline from pollution, siltation, and algae. By making sure Discovery stays clean, you can help our waterways. 

Collaborating with the Community

To improve the quality of open space for the enjoyment of all, we need community members like you to get involved with Discovery Park. Your input is welcome and can help to make sure responsible stewardship of the Park continues. 

Educating Our Visitors

We are continuously working to provide our visitors with more access to information about Discovery Park’s history, management plans, educational programs, projects, and our environmental stewards. By becoming a Seattle Urban Nature (SUN) Guide volunteer, you can help us work toward that goal!

Providing Open Space

Discovery Park is a “people park” but also a place in which park visitors can find “quiet and tranquility”. It is a place where visitors can learn to respect their environment as well as enjoy the beauty of nature. Always remember to be mindful of both nature and people when out and about!

The Opportunity to Give Back

We believe that people like you help responsibly care for some of Seattle’s most important public spaces. Citizen leadership and private philanthropy are key to ensuring that the Park and its essential purpose endure. Give back to Discovery today!

Why We Care

...and what you can do to help!
Discovery Park is a masterpiece of natural and restored landscape architecture created to provide a scenic, open space, retreat from urban life for the enjoyment of all and, in so doing, helps to establish Seattle’s place among the great cities of the world. 
Without the help of our greater Seattle community, open spaces such as this would not thrive in the same manner. Your sustaining support can promote the long term goals of protecting Discovery Park and fostering its continued growth. 
Acres Of Land
Miles of Protected Tidal Beaches
Restoration Sites

Help us champion the park that makes the Seattle area special.

You are donating to : Friends of Discovery Park 501(c)(3)

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